Saturday, August 23, 2014

Epic Camp D4 Clinton - Race Day

Today was supposed to be a "rest day", Epic Camp style of course.  Instead of the typical 6+ hours of proscribed work, a race of 2k swim + 50k bike + 10k run.  Well under 3 hours for all.  I'll have to check others' blogs to see who won, as I was way off the back.

Since it was a relatively short day, it was an atypically leisurely start with a 7:45 breakfast.  I could not fall asleep last night, and when I did I woke up at 2:30 and was unable to go back to sleep.  Stayed off he caffeine today so hopefully that's sorted.  Thought about just getting out of bed and tacking on, since I was never going to be competitive in the race anyway, but couldn't drag my tired ass out of bed.  And running at night on lonely roads in the boonies BC sounds like a surefire way to a bad end.

At any rate, after the race Scott and Andrew kindly took my bike into Kamloops, over an hour a way, to get it sorted.  Epic Campers are treated extremely well.  I am very grateful to both for burning an afternoon on that errand.  I think one or two other campers got some things sorted as well.  Fortunately, Scott and Andrew made it back in time to make dinner.

It did not seem right to sit on my ass all afternoon, so I got one of the high scoring "special workouts" done, a 2 hour 22k run.  Cruised the entire thing, but really started feeling the fatigue from 15k onwards.  No records were set, etc.

Am spent.  Looking forward to our first huge day in the saddle, 190k to Clearwater.

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